My apologies for being MIA for the past few months. Not that I haven't left my readers hanging before...but this time I have a better reason than busy.
Last Fall I started working on a documentary. Then in April I created a blog to keep people updated on the process and progress of the documentary. So, all my blogging efforts have been directed towards that blog since April. The working title of the documentary is Heart.Beats.Slavery and thus, that is the name of the blog. You can link to the blog for the documentary HERE.
Anyway, so I think I mentioned previously that in December I took a promotion at work. That was also a big distraction for 3-4 months. After a rough learning curve, I am happy to say I've hit my groove and was able to arrange for a 4 day work week. Woot! That means that I have an extra day off every week to focus on the documentary. I've only had 4 of these "extra day off" things, so I haven't settled into a consistent rhythm yet. But my goal, eventually, is to include posting on THIS blog as well as the documentary blog every week on that bonus day.
As a matter of fact, I did a post on the other blog this morning. Now this one. I am on a ROLL!
As you can see, my life is generally a flurry of activity. And always chock full of God's truth and grace.
How does God's truth and grace manifest in your life? Please share in the comments! Thanks!